- 2010-11-01 (月)
APO is Asian Productivity Organization
Study Mission on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Enegy
Visited Silicon Valley, California for 5 days.
Here's the snapshot of thier visit.
【Day 1 am】
Introduction each other of the participants.
Introduction of the whole program.
<These are necessry process for person who meet Silicon Valley for the first time.>
Introduction of the Activities of Industrial Sectors including Venture Capitals and Venture Companies in Silicon Valley
<Venture activity in Silicon Valley is so special, that any other places haven't been done better.>
【Day 1 pm】
Strategy and Investment of US Federal Government
1. Strategy of Government: budget and use
2. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA),
3. Investment of Dept. of Energy (DOE),
4. Activities of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business TechnologyTransfer (SBTT),
5. Activities of Environment Protection Agency (EPA)
<ARRA is one of the Key factor for Government direct venture business.
Among these Dr. Steven Chu of DOE has been playing significant roll as Government>
Strategy of the State of California
1. General Direction of CA Government,
2. The Role of CA Energy Commision,
3. Title 24, CA Energy Efficiency Standard,
4. AB 32, The Global Warming Solution Act
<California has history of pioneers. So in any case, they select Challenge>
【Day 2 am】
Lecture by PG & E (Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Jose) for their energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions including Smart Grid Systems.
<As PG&E is the largest Utility provider amang States, still they are caucious about introducing Smart meter.
Intelligent function has not been utilized yet.>
Lecture by Prof. Tony Seba on Solar Thermal Generation and its future potential. The author of "Solar Trillions". The book is handed to all participants.
<Tony is a evangelist of Solar Heat power. He envisions distributed energy will prevail current developed countries and under developed countries in futue.>
His another presentation
【Day 2 pm】
San Jose City Hall: The reasons why San Jose is innovative in energy efficiency and its policy.
<San Jose is the Capitol of Silicon valley and has mind to help each other to create new technology and market.>
Adobe HQ (San Jose) to learn their energy saving activities.
<ADOBE recieved LEED platinum in 2008 and installed 20 wind power generators which creates 12MWh and 20 Fuel cells generates up to 36MWh.
Fuel cells are supplied by Bloom Energy ; a Silicon Valley start-up Funded by KPC&B>
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